Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camp Dry Gulch USA 2009

These are a few pictures from church camp at Dry Gulch USA. I went along this year as a sponsor, and I'm so glad I did. Kristen went on her own to Teen Camp, but Coral and I had a lot of fun together.

Church camp was never like this when I was a kid. If we were lucky we went to a camp with a pool. If not it was softball, kickball, hiking, and crafts. Dry Gulch on the other hand is a camp dream land, with horses, go carts, a carousel, bumper cars, water slides, canoes, and more.

The chapels each day were fantastic. Really exciting and engaging for the kids. They seemed to soak it up like little sponges. As a matter of fact, Coral went to camp twice, so she had already seen all of the chapels once before we went together. The first time she came home and told me verbatim about the chapels.

It was also wonderful getting to know some of my fellow volunteers, and even employees of the church a little better. A late night game of Pictionary is great way to get to know each other.

This is one volunteer experience I plan to repeat.