So, my computer crashed prior to Christmas. Luckily I keep my documents, photographs, etc. on an external drive, so I didn't lose anything. However, Christmas is a very bad time fo computer repairs. After giving up on resurecting my internal drives, I canceled all of my outstanding Christmas orders from Etsy, and decided to try to get things back up and running after Christmas. Of course that means a complete system re-install, programs, fonts, everything. Still not done with that by the way, but I do have my fonts and Photoshop installed.
After starting fresh, I could not for the life of me get my printer to print pink again! I went from forum to forum looking for the answer only to find a bunch of really silly people telling other people it was a problem with their monitor. No, no, actually it is not a problem with your monitor. If you are using the code for "pink", and you are getting "peach", it is not a monitor issue.
"What is the right answer?" you ask, well let me tell you, mostly because I know that a few years from now I'm going to run into this again, and will not be able to remember how to print pink!
In the print dialogue box that comes up in Photoshop, select "Printer Manage Colors". I selected "Perceptual" under rendering intent, but I'm not sure that matters, because it didn't help the first five times I tried it. Then I switched from "Color Management" to "Output" in the drop down menu at the top. This is seems to be an important step..not sure why, but it is the only way I can get my settings in the next stop to save.
Now click "Print Setting". That will bring up the printer properties. From there I went to the "Advanced" tab. There is an area on that tab called "Color Management". In that area I selected "Color Controls". In the "Color Mode" drop down box I selected "Adobe RGB" and "1.8".
I'm sure that from printer to printer the settings will be different, but the key is to go to the printer properties instead of just trying to fix it in the Photoshop print window.
I'm not sure if this little tidbit will help anyone else, but I'm sure it will help me in the future.